For your convenience, our most common customer questions are answered right here.

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Q: Purpose of this web portal

A: This web portal allows customer to have 24/7 access to the key data about their mailing, rather than the need to call in to request support. The authorized customers can view/download the file based on their browser/smartphone settings. In any case, you can download all the files that you have access to and can perform further processing on the same.

Q: Who gets access?

A: Only the authorized users having login credentials will get access to the portal and their data.

Q: File types that can be accessed

A: Excel, PDF, and text file.

Q: Computer needed to access this portal?

A: Mac, Pc, and smart phones (since this is responsive site).

Q: Can we upload files

A: No, currently you cannot.

Q: How to change password, or set up new password in case of forgot password

A: You will need to contact the admin, to change the password or if password is forgotten.

Q: File security

A: Only the authorized user can access the system and have access to their own data.

Q: When are files updated

A:. Files are updated every morning.

Q: How are emails synchronized with being here?

A:. The reports are first emailed and then updated over here.